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Thread: Got it!

  1. #1

    Got it!

    Look what I found:

    Right here

    (if this link doesn't work, go to his message board and read the 10th message in the thread entitled "Remember?" by Ashida Kim. It's post number 23364 if you want to do it that way.

    Upon being accused of using the words "towel head" and "Japs," Ashida says:

    "See, *******, you are wandering off the subject again. It is not about ME being a racist. I call everybody by their slang terms, so I treat everyone fairly, LOL Besides, I'm half Japanese myself and if I don't mind being called a Jap, then it shouldn't bother you at all, LOL This will be the last comment on this issue because all you want is attention and we've given you more than you deserve. So, just to show how stupid you are, IF they were "speaking Arabic" how could the woman have had such specific references to 9/11, and 9/13 or any of the other details she reported? Besides, you said yourself that only one of them talked that gibberish anyhow. So, your whole argument is bull****, just like you are, LOL "

    So our friend Christopher Hunter says he's half Japanese, eh? Must be his mother... cuz either way, Hunter and Kim are NOT Japanese last names. And he says "Ashida" was a nickname given to him in a tournyment.

    Hey Danny Sainty, any input?

    Another fascinating message brought to you by IHAK!

    "If Ashida wished you to know his real name, I am sure he would write to you and tell you himself." --Danny Sainty

    "So, you supposed martial artists, what are you trining for? Who are you training to fight? Apparently no one. Because even in a hypothetical situation, you puss out, Ha! Ha!" --Ashida Kim

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Porvoo, Etelä-suomi, Finland
    It's a shame that conmen like Ashida make money by bulls****ng people. But hey, who doesn't want to be a ninja! Ashida sure is one, he probably wears a hood everytime he goes to buy milk from the local shop.
    "Kicking someone to the head is like punching someone to the leg" -Bruce Lee.... Well I look down at people, so I'll kick you in the head

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    whats funny is i dont think i have followed one of these kim threads in the last two years...but i went threw my old books and found some ninja books by guess you try to avoid the crap and the shiatt just finds you,...WTF

  4. #4
    bump for danny sainty, the one among us who has trained with Ashida-half-Japanese.

    "If Ashida wished you to know his real name, I am sure he would write to you and tell you himself." --Danny Sainty

    "So, you supposed martial artists, what are you trining for? Who are you training to fight? Apparently no one. Because even in a hypothetical situation, you puss out, Ha! Ha!" --Ashida Kim

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    From AK's FAQ:

    When I'm a bouncer, I practice drinking and smoking
    It's poor loser who hasn't mastered those arts.

    The sad pathetic fucker that AK is.
    "Martial Arts will help lead to d@mnation – Yes, d@mnation!"

    -Bible Truths.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    Who is this count Dante that akida says is the founder of this black dragon fighting society (spelling)?
    i did a search for counte dante and other than what is on ashida's web site all I could locate were the adds from old comic books . Is ashida kim just bull 5h!t or did he study in a fish bowel with the most feard sea monkeys known to man

    seriously any info out there
    ps I also am hating ashida kim
    I am currently taking donations to raise the $10k ashida wants for me to kick his ninja but

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Montreal Canada
    Somebody should go and beat him for free!

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