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Thread: Five Animals Kung Fu?

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  1. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    out there fer sure
    "LOLOL!!! Troll bait. You should see his wingchun thread."

    Sorry but I am sticking up for the poster of the thread. It's gotten to the point where any beginner who posts a legitimate thread about kung fu automatically because accused of being a troll~

    It's got to stop...

    It is not honorable to automatically in knee-jerk fashion tear someone to pieces just for asking a question.

    Judge Pen--

    I think you've let your title of what you do for work outside of this forum get to your head. Time to let some of the air out of the baloon there buddy. Pretty JUDGE-mental of you to obnoxiously give someone a decimal point score when jeez..didn't Sin Kwang The basically ADMIT that he made the whole Shaolin-Do art up in court? I've seen SD students (visited a class and asked if I could observe) who didn't even know how to make/throw a correct punch! How about choosing an art which isn't the laughing stock of the kung fu world (it's sort of neck and neck between SD, Oom Yung Do and Temple Kung fu of the late Simon Olaf) before you begin pontificating that your wolfman art is so superior.

    Am I "trolling"..hey it whatever the h-ll you want..ok? I don't care! I'm not trolling..I'm just p-ssed off!
    Last edited by LaterthanNever; 07-09-2018 at 09:44 PM.

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