The following is the teaching record of the Chinese chan patriarch Hsu yun in the early 1900. This particular day, he is teaching on the monk army. It clearly described the shaolin martial monks and lama tibetian monks activity from Ming dynasty to Ching dynasty. Where we're they located , color of their clothing, and who involve in the boxer rebellion.

I don't have time o translate these today. If anyone is interested to do it, please feel free. Ven. Hsu Yun was the top chan monk, he also ask to companion with the Ching emperor and emperess when Ching lost in the battle of boxer rebellion. He passed away at the age more then 100 year old. This is the person who restore and protect chan Buddhism from Qing dynatisty to communist china.

From this first hand record we can know what happen on martial monks in china, from the inner cycle.


至明成祖賜姚廣孝名。始易冠服。而廣孝退食。乃穿僧衣。至今北京姚少師祠。於紗帽紅袍上。仍覆 袈裟也。至滿 清入關後。中國有青衣僧黃衣僧之分。漢僧是青衣。蒙藏是黃衣。國家重用黃衣。清朝僧兵不用青衣 。改用黃衣兵 。亦有名無實。未曾出過役。只領兵費。現在政府也看重黃衣僧。我們青衣僧也佔黃衣僧的光。從前 麗江五臺山。 少林寺。是招集僧兵的地方。明太祖以少林寺僧有武術。也在少林招僧兵。清朝把喇嘛定居在五臺山 。北京旃檀寺 封提督軍門。五臺山菩薩頂。靖海寺也有喇嘛提督軍門都統的職位。受國家的餉。北京雍和宮也領餉 。義和團起義 。有很多喇嘛僧兵。起初打勝杖。燒天主耶穌教堂。後來失敗。由教徒燒殺旃檀寺。這是一報還一報 。