
Type: Posts; User: suddenflower

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  1. Replies

    Wu Dang Xuan Wu Fist

    The following video shows the demonstration of the Wu Dang Xuan Wu Fist form by Daoist Priest Zhou Xuan Yun:

    He is going to teach this form in the...
  2. You think too highly of TGY. We have already...

    You think too highly of TGY. We have already forgotten him until he reminded us on this thread. Actually, I was surprised that he mentioned this incident. He should try to hide the fact that he...
  3. For your reference, "cast pearls before swine" is...

    For your reference, "cast pearls before swine" is a quote from the Holy Bible. The equivalence in Chinese is 對牛彈琴.
  4. In one previous post, we asked you the following...

    In one previous post, we asked you the following question:
    The exercise performed in the video are similar to the "one step sparring" drills in Karate. For example,...
  5. You have ambushed our post of the Xingyiquan...

    You have ambushed our post of the Xingyiquan video in the past. More than three years have passed and what does time tell? The video turns out to be one of the most viewed and highly rated...
  6. taai gihk yahn, it's time to post a video!

    I think the best way to convince us your credibility on the criticisms about the video is that you post a video of yourself, either doing exercise, performing a form, or free sparring. Among the...
  7. May be I am wasting my time. To talk "wu de"...

    May be I am wasting my time. To talk "wu de" with you may be just like "cast pearls before swine." A typical and ideal example of respectable Chinese martial artists is the character Mr. Li Mu-Bai...
  8. In your profile, you claim that you are currently...

    In your profile, you claim that you are currently learning Taijiquan. This really surprises me a lot. Obviously, you still don't have any idea what internal martial art is.

    The exercise...
  9. I have emphasized that this is just an...

    I have emphasized that this is just an intermediate training exercise; a basic, initial step toward the final free sparring. How much internal martial arts training do you have to be qualified in...
  10. I agree with you on the benefits of using gloves...

    I agree with you on the benefits of using gloves in training. We will try this in classes.
  11. We have changed the title of the video to "Basic...

    We have changed the title of the video to "Basic Controlled Sparring Fajin Demo by the Chief Instructor of AYZYIM". We still keep the word "sparring" here following the convention of Karate. The...
  12. Thank you for your valuable suggestions. First...

    Thank you for your valuable suggestions. First of all, I agree to your criticism on the title. Using the word "sparring" may be misleading and we will figure out a better name for it after...
  13. Fajin in an exercise is different from "fake...

    Fajin in an exercise is different from "fake fajin". We never indicate in the description that this video shows a real fight and no one is faking anything here. If you think the exercises are...
  14. I am sorry if we confused you by not choosing the...

    I am sorry if we confused you by not choosing the right words in the title according to your definition. We did try to indicate that this is not the final training by using the word "controlled". ...
  15. No. I meant the same level of attacks as shown...

    No. I meant the same level of attacks as shown in the video.
  16. We don't have any video of non-controlled...

    We don't have any video of non-controlled sparring yet. We may make some in the future.
  17. I agree with you. It is more a demonstration of...

    I agree with you. It is more a demonstration of fajin drills. However, to evaluate this video, one probably should ask the following question instead: under the same circumstances, can I perform...
  18. Video: Controlled Sparring Demo by the Chief Instructor of AYZYIM

    This video shows some controlled sparring drills of the Pre-Heaven Power Method (先天勁法) demonstrated by the chief instructor, Master Wei-Chung Lin (林維中), of the American YiZungYue Internal Martial...
  19. Fixed step free style push hands training...

    Fixed step free style push hands training disallows the feet of the practitioners to move. The objective is to force the practitioner to yield or neutralize the opponent's attack by moving his/her...
  20. The videos in the links you posted are not...

    The videos in the links you posted are not fixed-step free style push hands training. The differences (between response hands and Yang Tai Chi fixed-step free styleI push hands) I referred to are...
  21. I think the major differences between response...

    I think the major differences between response hands and Yang Tai Chi free style push hands are as follows:
    (1) The practitioners do not precede the free style interaction with a fixed pattern of...
  22. Video: Response / Push Hands Exercise of the Pre-Heaven Power Method

    This video shows Master Wei-Chung Lin, a disciple of the YiZungYue School and the Chief Instructor of the Chinese Taoist Martial Arts Association in Skokie, Illinois, practicing the response (or...
  23. Ching Ping Jian (Straight Sword) Form One and Applications


    Here's a video of a student from our school demonstrating the Ching Ping Jian, Form One and its applications. Alma Kalamperovic is 12 years old, and has been training with Sifu Wei-Chung Lin...
  24. I like your explanation on sticking and...

    I like your explanation on sticking and controlling.

    In addition to the fajin exercises shown in the video, we use the push-hands system passed down by Master Cheng Man-Ching and the respond-hands...
  25. Video: Fajin in the Spirit of Yang Tai Chi

    Master Wei-Chung Lin, a disciple of the Yizungyue School and the Chief Instructor of the Chinese Taoist Martial Arts Association in Skokie Illinois, demonstrate Yang style Tai Chi fajin exercises...
Results 1 to 25 of 35
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