View Full Version : grappling in capoeira

08-20-2004, 07:53 AM
So this past week we've worked some on grappling as it pertains to capoeira and it's pretty cool. Its's tuff I've learned in my grappling class and so far pretty basic for the most part but it's good to see they address it.
It's still in the context of capoeira and so so far the setups have been less then efficient but still fun none the less.

08-20-2004, 08:28 AM
I got cut off before I could finish.

From what I understand, Mestre Bimba, who essentially created Regional Capoeira was also into Jujitsu and wanted to inlclude it in capoeira. Back then Capoeira was for fighting, and so Mestre Bimba took it seriously and felt that grappling needed to be addressed and would be a good addition to the art.
Now it's not used as much since most people practice it as a hobby. Mestre Loka, the guy who stated the organization I'm in has been encouraging the practice of the grappling in training. He still views it as a serious martial art that neds to address all those ranges we discuss so often here on KFM.
Ulitmately I'm just happy they do address it and seem to respect it. All the other arts I've trained in never bothered and I often got the classic "we teach you not to go to the ground" excuse.

08-20-2004, 09:11 AM
yeah, I've noticed the grappling too. The group that trains at our club does alot of standing throws, and I've seen him do some basic locks on the ground, after taking someone down - that doesn't happen often though from what I've seen - it's mainly standing throws and takedowns. The teacher worked out with the judo class one day, and from what I hear (I was out that day), fit right in and was at home during randori.

08-20-2004, 09:27 AM
sounds about right.

Last night we worked on a hold I can't remember the name of. You lock their head, one arm around the front of their neck, the other behind the neck. Then you wrap our legs around their thighs and pull back on thier head to sort of lock their body. It's all done from behind.
As I said, the setup was not practical since we were working from somehting that is essentially only in capoeira, but just working the holds and take downs is cool enough in my book. Atleast the capoeira guys don't have a problem taking it seriously enough to address it in training.
I'm not saying it's all that and a bag of chips but it's refreshing.

08-20-2004, 04:22 PM
I swear to you cap is a blade art.

Think about it.
